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Hello World Application

Source code

Service definition

public interface HelloWorldService
    public abstract String getGreetingsFor(String name);

Service implementation

public class HelloWolrdServiceImpl implements HelloWorldService
    public String getGreetingsFor(String name)
        return "Hello " + name + "! (" + new Date() + ")";

Service consumer - GUI

@PageAlias(alias= "helloworld")
public class HelloWorldPage extends DragomeVisualActivity
    HelloWorldService helloWorldService= serviceFactory.createSyncService(HelloWorldService.class);

    public void build()
        final VisualLabel<String> label= new VisualLabelImpl<String>("message");
        final VisualButton button= new VisualButtonImpl("button", v -> label.setValue(helloWorldService.getGreetingsFor("World")));


<script type="text/javascript" src="dragome/dragome.js"></script>

    Message: <b data-template="message">text</b> <br>
    <button data-template="button">Say hello!</button>


How to execute

You can start a servlet container using this maven command:

mvn jetty:run

To run any Dragome page you need to start it calling a HTML file that includes “dragome.js” file.

<script type="text/javascript" src="dragome/dragome.js"></script>

In case you want to debug some part in js, you can use a separated version of js files including the following instead:

<script type="text/javascript" src="dragome-resources/dragome-debug.js"></script>

Since HelloWorldPage class has an associated @PageAlias annotation with value “helloworld”, you can find this page in the following URL:


Also in case your html file name is the same than the associated alias you could execute the application like this:


This URL will execute the page in production mode (running everything on browser), but if you want debug it in Java you may add a query string “debug=true”

