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HTML DOM Handling Tutorial


Dragome SDK philosophy aims to use or create always an abstraction to perform operations over HTML/CSS.
Component abstraction working in cooperation with templates abstractions could achieve almost any complex UI representation. But direct DOM handling could be useful in case you need to create low level HTML components as the existing Button, Checkbox, Label, List, etc.


DOM manipulation is the first layer over HTML handling, there are more layers located on top this one such as components, templates, and a third level layer on top of them like forms binding module, and component builders.
Since all mentioned layers have dependencies only from higher level to lower level, top layers could be easily dropped in case you just want to perform basic operations.

W3C standards

In general Dragome uses standard W3C classes for DOM representation.
These are the ones you can find located in w3c.dom package, ex: org.w3c.dom.Document, org.w3c.dom.Element

HTML Document

To obtain a reference to current HTML document you may use:

Document document= ServiceLocator.getInstance().getDomHandler().getDocument();

Finding an element

Document can be inspected as you already do in js, to find an element by id:

Element div1= document.getElementById("div1");

Reading/Writing an attribute

The same with elements and their attributes:

String className= div1.getAttribute("class");
div1.setAttribute("style", "position: relative;");

Listening an event

You can add an event handler to any element using the following helper passing W3C standard classes:

EventDispatcherImpl.setEventListener(div1, new EventListener()
    public void handleEvent(Event event)
        if (event.getType().equals("click"))
            //do something
}, "click");
